8 Essentials To Creating A Facebook Page People Trust

Facebook is the biggest social media platform in existence and businesses have fast gained traction in having a presence.

There are some great examples of how businesses use Facebook, but also some disastrous examples.

Making sure your Facebook page is trustworthy and professional, can be quite a difficult task to get right. However, it’s worth doing to ensure your company looks just as good on social media, as it does on your website. So here are a few tips to trust boost your Facebook page.

  1. Add Your Brand Logo/Images

One of the first things people will see when finding your page on Facebook is your profile picture.

It should nearly always be your company logo to reinforce them that you are who you say you are (in high quality). Second to this, your cover image/video should be along the lines of something you sell, what your business service is or your shop front if you are local. It’s also a great tool to add promotions in.

  1. Verify Your Page

Verifying your Facebook page is essential when trying to promote a company online.

Not only does it allow your business to look more professional, it also makes you and your company trustworthy and will appeal to potential clients that might find you on Facebook.

Having a Facebook page that isn’t verified can damage a brand before customers have even started to look into purchasing a product or service.

  1. Follow A Consistent Posting Schedule

Try to get into a routine when it comes to posting on your Facebook page, it is best to post to your Facebook page once or twice a day (or at least once a week).

Having too many posts can be seen to look like spam, which instantly makes your page and therefore your company untrustworthy unless they are all of high quality and you aren’t repeating yourself.

There are tools like Hootsuite out there for free which can help you schedule in your posts for the coming weeks or months. Try to spend an hour a week scheduling posts with news, offers, photos and events to engage with your audience. This can be done at any time of the day and will save you time in the long run and boost engagement.

  1. Respond To Comments

Responding to comments, on your Facebook page, or on any Facebook posts, will help to keep your followers engaged when talking about your company and drive interest for what you are offering.

Getting a response from a company makes the customer feel wanted and important. Try to keep responses well written, grammatically correct and positive and be aware that everyone can see how you respond to messages so professionalism at all times is key.

  1. Include Behind The Scenes Content

A Facebook page is great for promoting your products and service, we can all agree on that. But having too many salesy posts can turn people off or drive them to unlike your page or stop following you.

Having behind the scenes content on a regular basis can add that personal touch to your brand that customers so very much desire and will help to validate whether your company is trustworthy. Not only will it allow you to connect with your followers, it will also allow them to see more of an insight into your business.

For example, if you portray your business as having a friendly positive atmosphere show your employees to be having fun in the workplace (Cupcake Friday or an employee’s birthday are great examples to break down the barriers).

  1. Post Videos Or Use Facebook Live

Although this may not apply to everyone, posting videos or using Facebook Live can really attract your current audience to take notice of your business. A video post or Facebook Live stream can really add insights into your business personality (and can be great for tip number four). If you don’t have the facilities to do something like this you can always find industry specific videos or adverts for products you sell online to post (if you sell cakes, find a great cake recipe video, if you sell cars, the latest car review that you’re selling…).

Try not to post videos for the sake of posting videos however – ask yourself the question ‘would my customers want to see this?’ before posting.

  1. Include Contact Information

Having contact information on your Facebook page can boost how many customers get in touch with your business.

There is nothing more frustrating to a customer than seeing a business online and not having an easy way to contact them. On Facebook, there are options available to make this easy for the customer. This can be a telephone number, an email address, website address or a direct message via Facebook.

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