Ad Of The Month October: Nespresso The Quest

Welcome to our first ad of the month! Each month we’ll bring to you our favourite ad for this month.

After much deliberation and research! We finally came to a decision for this month’s winner, and our ad of the month for October is the latest Nespresso ad ‘The Quest’.

If you haven’t seen it already, George Clooney plays a heroic knight who is told by the Queen (Natalie Dormer) after he’s slain the dragon he can have whatever he desires and what he desires is a Nespresso machine. They’ve managed to turn it into a tongue-in-cheek ad with such a simple plot yet it captures your attention because of the humour it provides.

You can view the ad below:

In the ad, the knight obviously values Nespresso coffee above all else which is why he embarks on another great quest to receive what he truly desires. It’s great work from Nespresso team creating such an imaginative and unique ad that has kept them away from dipping into the sea of sameness.

If you want your ad featured or have a recommendation for an ad of the month, send them to us email

October 29, 2018

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