How To Make Your Content Rank On Different SEO Metrics

When you’re creating content for the different platforms you’re present on, you want to ensure that the content you’re crafting is perfect for the audience present. In a recent study, it was found that content that performs particularly well for link building doesn’t necessarily perform well for social shares and vice versa.

What does this mean for you? Well, when you’re creating content, you need to ensure that it is to the interest of those who are going to be reading it, there’s no point wasting time creating content for a particular platform that isn’t going to perform. You need to get to know your audience so you know exactly what content will resonate with them.

This study by Kaizen analysed over 2300 pieces of content to get to the bottom of what is required for content to improve your domain and URL rating.

  1. Global appeal

This can depend on how big your company is and where it actually operates. If it’s just a UK-based business, then you need to ensure that the content you produce is appealing to your audience throughout the UK.

Try to emphasise on the visual components of your content. As a collective, humans much prefer looking at images or videos than text, it makes the content much more enjoyable and refreshing to read if you have images or videos throughout the content, which ultimately makes more people read it and thus improves where the content is positioned on search engines.

  1. Evoke emotional responses

You want your content to evoke an emotional response from your audience. They need to react in a way that keeps them engaged and wanting to keep reading. By creating emotional, reactive content that’s relevant to your industry/business, the readers become enticed and want more.

When creating content, you need to think about it from your audiences’ eyes. What do they want to hear/read? Do they have any questions they’re consistently asking? Once you understand what they want, then you can begin creating content for your different SEO strategies.

  1. Evergreen content is a must

This should be at the top of your list when you’re thinking about creating content for all of your content strategies. Now you might be asking ‘What does evergreen content mean?’ Well, it’s pretty easy to understand it once you know what it means. Evergreen content is content that can be used again and again and doesn’t have a specific time or date attached to it, so if I was to read this blog three years down the line, it would still be relevant. This means that it can be outreached (and can gain links) at any time.

Look at some of your most clicked on blogs, videos, images, infographics etc. and think about what you could do to reinvigorate it. You could have done an infographic that could quite easily be turned into a video or even a blog turned into an infographic. Why would you want to do this if you’ve already produced content relating around the subject? Well not every one of your target audience enjoys reading or watching videos so by creating the content in a different format will appeal to a different target audience.

When you’re thinking about content and what to produce, you need to decide whether or not your content will be relevant in a couple of years and how easy it’ll be to repurpose in a different format.

Use social sharing correctly

When it comes to social shares, it can depend entirely on your audience and business type on how successful your content will be. The study found that B2C-focused pieces of content had the most interaction and social shares, whereas B2B content struggled in comparison but had much more link building success.

We’re not saying don’t use social if you’re B2B or don’t try and build any links if your B2C. However, you need to think about what content is going where and whether or not it’s going to pique the interest of your audience. You ultimately want people to click-through to your website and convert and why would they when the content you’ve produced isn’t exactly appealing or relevant towards them.

Make sure you know what content goes where when it comes to building links and social shares otherwise you won’t be maximising the amount of traffic and conversions you could make. Look at the different channels and what is required of each to help you understand where it should be placed.

March 25, 2019

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