Banks Property Sell Regeneration Site To Harworth Estates

North east employer Banks Property has recently sold a 50-hectare residential regeneration site in north west England to Harworth Estates.

The site in St Helens was previously used for various industrial purposes, including a former colliery, alkali works and pipeworks.

Banks Property, who are part of the Bank Group, secured the planning permission for Moss Nook Urban Village to build 1,200 homes on the site back in 2007.

Since then, Banks have consolidated land ownership and undertaken some extremely-large remediation work, which includes the construction of a sustainable urban drainage system and preparation for new roads and infrastructure which will help support the residential development.

Harworth Estates is now planning to develop a number of land parcels for sale to housebuilders and is estimating that the site could take up to another decade to be fully developed.

The Community Relations Manager at Bank Group, Lewis Stokes said:

“This sale clears the way for delivery of the Moss Nook Urban village on a key site in St Helens which should deliver a range of regeneration benefits including new homes, commercial development and enhanced green space for the local community.”

November 13, 2018

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