Blog Layout 2

List of posts in Blog layout 2

Ad Of The Month April: Burger King

Apr 29,19

It’s that time again for Passport 2 Success where we present to you what our ad of the month is …

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Why You Need A Thick Skin In Business

Apr 26,19

Becca looks at why it is essential you have a thick skin when you own a business.

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What You Need To Know About On-Page And Off-Page SEO [P2S Podcast]

Apr 26,19

In this podcast Becca and Simon talk about both on-page and off-page SEO. The Passport 2 Success business podcast where …

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Why You Have To Have A Black And A White Logo!

Apr 23,19

Continuing our colour series, Becca looks at black and white.

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Why You Shouldn’t Overly Try To Rank #1 On Google [P2S Podcast]

Apr 18,19

In this podcast, Becca and Simon talk about why ranking as #1 on Google doesn’t exactly mean you’re going to …

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Popular Fully-Funded Design Thinking Workshop Returns To Support More Yorkshire SMEs

Apr 17,19

Business leaders from the Leeds City Region have another chance to learn how to trigger significant organisational change with a …

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Change the Change, A Look At Who And How We Change (Or Not)

Apr 17,19

Martin Schwaller is the Proprietor of Heed, skincare for heads. Previously Energy and Sustainability Manager at Mitchells and Butlers Who …

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Should You Use Brown In Your Branding?

Apr 15,19

Continuing our colour series, Becca looks at the colour brown.

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Quality Over Quantity In Marketing

Apr 15,19

As someone who may be new to marketing, you have a lot to think about. You want to ensure that …

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Call For Performers, Traders And Banner-Makers To Step Up And Take Part In Huddersfield Festival

Apr 15,19

Organisers of a major music festival planned for Greenhead Park, Huddersfield, this summer are putting a call out to would-be …

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