The Landing’s New Team To Boost Growth For Start-Ups

The Salford-based company have recently appointed four new employees, three of which will make up a new specialist business services team, which is part of their ten-year-plan to help improve and boost the growth for tech start-ups.

The new business services team will be led by the former Community Manager Shu-Ling Li, who will now be the Head of Business Services and will serve the needs of the tech start-ups at The Landing.

Chris Stephens, who is the new Business and Community Manager, will be working closely with Shu-Ling to help support more than 100 businesses based at The Landing.

Holly Lindon, a Marketing Apprentice joins the team and will help increase exposure and boost growth for both start-ups and The Landing generally by creating a larger volume of social and media content. Not only that, but Holly will be responsible for the creation of The Landing’s own YouTube channel, The Landing TV.

A fourth appointment, Kelly Bryne, who comes from We Are Nova in Liverpool, joins the management team as the new Financial Controller.

Paul Billington, the Managing Director at The Landing said:

“I am thrilled about these appointments and really excited that our 10-year plan for The Landing is now beginning to take shape. We pride ourselves on being a rapid start-up facility and we are here, first and foremost, to help our businesses to grow quickly and to establish themselves in their individual markets within the technology sector.

“At The Landing, we have all the tools and facilities needed to make any tech start-up a success and now, with a dedicated business services team at their disposal, we are in an even stronger position to support them on their exciting journey.”

November 20, 2018

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