Vapour Cloud Becomes One Of UK’s Fastest Growth Voice Partners

Vapour Cloud has been hailed as one of the fastest growing mid-market cloud voice partners in the UK, following 3,000 Avaya licenses sold in the second half of 2018.

The digital transformation specialist – who is also renowned for its video, network and data storage portfolio, has experienced a 500% growth in its cloud voice division over the past two years.

As the expanding technology business looks ahead to the next 12 months, work to supply 4,000 licenses is already forecast for 2019.

The news comes as Vapour also announces a partnership with Manchester-headquartered Avaya service specialist IPNetix. The two tech firms are collaborating to strengthen the pre- and post-sales offering Vapour Cloud voice customers throughout the UK.

Tim Mercer, the Vapour CEO said:

 “Working closely with the IPNetix team makes a lot of sense to us. There is far more competition than there is collaboration in the IT channel. But by combining complementary resources and expertise, clients receive a far more value-adding ‘package’ from the experts in their respective fields.

“IPNetix works so closely with Avaya, that their technical engineering knowledge and insight into what’s coming next from this communications giant, is the perfect addition to our proposition. We have a huge year ahead of us, when it comes to the omnichannel comms solutions we provide to clients, and the relationships with Avaya and IPNetix are crucial components in our onward growth.”

With a net recurring revenue of 96%, Vapour grew by 51% in 2018 and CEO Tim Mercer aims to expand his company by at least another 50% over the next 12 months.

February 5, 2019

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